CIO. GAL : [Publications]

Экспресс-заказ фрагмента
Organization for security and co-operation in Europe. Chairman-in-office.
CIO. GAL : [Publications].
100/05: Common purpose : towards a more effective OSCE : final rep. a. recommendations of the panel element persons on strengthening the effectiveness of the OSCE. - 2005. - 32, [4] с.

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FB 15 99-4/19-4


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ЗаглавиеCIO. GAL : [Publications]
Коллекции ЭК РГБ Каталог документов с 1831 по настоящее время
Дата поступления в ЭК РГБ 09.09.2005
Каталоги Книги (изданные с 1831 г. по настоящее время)
Том100/05: Common purpose : towards a more effective OSCE : final rep. a. recommendations of the panel element persons on strengthening the effectiveness of the OSCE. - 2005. - 32, [4] с.
Места храненияFB 15 99-4/19-4