Voluntary funds administered by the United nations High commissioner for refugees. Accounts for the year ended ... and report of the Board of auditors

Экспресс-заказ фрагмента
United nations. High commissioner for refugees.
Voluntary funds administered by the United nations High commissioner for refugees. Accounts for the year ended ... and report of the Board of auditors. - New York : UN, 1975-.
1965. - 1966. - IV, 29 с.

Шифр хранения:
OFN ООН 18/191


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ЗаглавиеVoluntary funds administered by the United nations High commissioner for refugees. Accounts for the year ended ... and report of the Board of auditors
Коллекции ЭК РГБ Каталог документов с 1831 по настоящее время
Дата поступления в ЭК РГБ 04.07.2012
Каталоги Книги (изданные с 1831 г. по настоящее время)
Выходные данныеNew York : UN, 1975-
Том1965. - 1966. - IV, 29 с.
Места храненияOFN ООН 18/191